During these moments of movement – searching for caracteristic elements, observing and thereby analysing makes one able to acclimatise. The carriers indent on a private melancholic moment and becomes a tangible representation of nostalgia.
During moments of movement habits occure in observing, search for caracteristic elements and thereby analyse to acclimatise. These carriers indent on a private

2014 – Collecting Compilations is a series of carriers, which are the outcome of a research into the feeling we describe as ‘home’ in a world of urban flaneurism. Home is the place where habits have become intuitive after endless repetition. When in a new environment one tend to look at caracteristic elements of the environment. During moments of movement between places – by collecting, observing and thereby analysing – one is able to acclimatise in a new surroundings. This act of gathering icons of a place becomes an intuitive habit on its own. The carriers evoce a private melancholic moment and become a tangiable representation of nostalgia.

Collecting Compilations is a series of carriers, which are the outcome of a research into the feeling we describe as ‘home’ in a world of urban nomadism. Home is the place where habits are almost unnoticeable; they have become intuitive after endless repetition. During moments of movement between places – by collecting, observing and thereby analysing – one is able to acclimatise in a new surroundings. This act of gathering icons of a place becomes an intuitive habit on its own.

These carriers become a tangible representation of nostalgia – to revalue moments and wander of to visited places.

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