Candy City Book
Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna & Stroom, The Hague
Then too, however solid objects seem,
they yet are formed of matter mixed with void (...)

Then too, however solid objects seem,
they yet are formed of matter mixed with void (...)
Lucretius ‘On The Nature of Things’
Translated by Alicia Stallings, 2007

The almost sacred act of retaining the 19th century decor
is an persistant and perpetual spectacle in urban space
is an persistant and perpetual spectacle in urban space

What has shifted and what will stay fixed

This book contains a photographical representation of place and a conjunctive theoretical reflection on the state of the city. It is a documentation of the present-day Vienna and questions its fixes, fluxes and future. The texts are compilations of found writing, museum visits or generally gained knowledge during my stay in Vienna (20 October - 20 December 2015).
All writings are correlated by the common principle that reflects on the city based on ‘Liquid Modernity’ by Zigmunt Bauman. This metaphor liquid refers to the state in which reformation is a constant presence and form is not yet defined.
y: 2015
m: publlication made during residency period and later sold at Stroom The Hague
m: publlication made during residency period and later sold at Stroom The Hague