Still Somewhere inbetween

Exhibited in the Van Nelle Factory during Art Rotterdam 2022

[... The hills were sculptures; the roads defined the form. Above all, there was the sensation of moving physically over the contours of fulnesses and concavities, through hollows and over peaks – feeling, touching, through mind and hand and eye. ...]
Barbara Hepworth

The sense of the restless chase of efficiency and time of modernity. Crawling within the city and far beyond that fullness. On a geological scale, concavities and bending through creases and over peaks the quest for defining space.
The road defines space and space defines the sense of mobility... A tangible form of urban space and a monument to the endeavour of man to define and understand an arena.
When the road defines space, as a flat surface etched within the creases, concave and peaks of the geological formations - it defines the mind.
A physical etched line or a mobility reaching far beyond the ability and need of actual movement.

Stacking considered a vertical act ?

Part of  the research ‘Veneer of the Earth’

In the series of objects, the composite stone asphalt is proposed as a principle, suggesting to view it as a zero-line. A semi-solidified division of ascending and descending human additions.

A material designed as a tool to define space, a common ground. a tangible drawing of - how surroudning relate to the influence en configuration of a being. 
y:     2021
m:    Asphalt
t:     manual bending

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